Services we offer:
- Removal of bats from inside buildings
- Safe, humane and permanent eviction
- Exclusionary repairs and cleanup
- Bat boxes - built and installed
generally April to September
About Bats
Bats are extremely beneficial to humans. They play an essential role in controlling insect pests. One small bat can eat 1,200 mosquito-sized insects in an hour, while larger bats predate on bigger insect pests - beetles, moths, and roaches.
Bats are not rodents - they do not gnaw on wood or wire or build "nests".
Bats are not aggressive and do not attack.
Bat on Exterior Wall
If you have found one or two bats clinging to an outside wall, up under an eave, maybe tucked into a corner - this is normal. They are probably just roosting - sleeping.
If you want to encourage them to roost elsewhere contact us to schedule either a phone or on-site consultation.
Not in our area? That's okay. We can still help with Remote Consulting or Do-It-Yourself guidance.
If you have found a bat lower on a wall, exposed, it might be young, weak and in need of help. To find the nearest wildlife hospital, use the WildHelp App or Google Wildlife Rehabilitator.
Bats Under Eaves and in Attics
In urbanized areas, bats have been forced to seek shelter in man-made structures. They are attracted to small gaps, cracks or crevices, usually at or under a roofline. However, we have found bats roosting in crevices 3' from the ground.
The rule of thumb (literally): if you can fit your thumb into an opening, it's large enough for a bat.
But don't think every gap has a bat hiding in it. Bats are extremely particular about where they roost. They need to feel protected and safe from the elements - not too hot, not too cold.
Look for signs of their presence, including guano - excrement - bat poop.
Bat poop resembles mouse droppings - about the size of a grain of rice, but instead of being hard, the pellets crush easily into a powder that often contains shiny insect parts.
You might find bat poop on the ground under eaves or on a patio or entryway. This doesn't necessarily indicate a roost above - it could be a sign that bats are flying around that area at night, catching insects that are attracted to a porch light, or light from a window.
In addition to the presence of bat guano below, the entrance to an active roost will usually be discolored. It might show signs of wear, staining or tarnished with a brown residue (sebum). There might also be some auditory clues - high-pitched squeaking or ticking coming from within, usually at dawn and dusk.
If you want the bats evicted and the gaps patched, contact us to schedule either a phone or on-site consultation. We also offer Remote Consulting and Do-It-Yourself guidance.
A Bat in a Building
Sometimes bats find their way into buildings.
If you find a bat in your house, don't panic!
If the bat is flying around, open all doors and windows to let it escape. Turning inside lights Off and outside lights On might help.
You can try herding the bat towards an exit using a bed sheet held up between two broom handles, creating a fabric wall that can "push" the bat toward an open door or window.
If the bat lands on a flat surface, you can try gently placing a small box over the bat and very delicately slipping a thin piece of cardboard under the box to contain it. Take the box outside and set the bat free.
More detailed instructions, HERE.
Bat Houses
Consider installing a bat house on your property to give bats a safe place to live. Warning - not all bat boxes are safe for bats. Please check out Improving Bat Houses in America before you build or purchase.
Want to build your own bat house? Check out plans for a Four Chamber house, HERE.
When purchasing a bat house, be sure they are certified by BCI or Merlin Tuttle or conform to their standards.
Rabies Exposure
Not all bats have rabies - not even the ones that are found weak and debilitated. According to the Center for Disease Control, only about 6% of those tested actually had rabies. But, it's important to take precautions.
Never handle a bat and keep pets and children away from grounded or flying bats to avoid exposure. According to the CDC, treatment for exposure should be considered for persons who are in the same room with a bat and cannot be certain if direct contact occurred (for example, a person sleeping, or an unattended child) and when the bat cannot be tested to rule out the possibility. With pets, the same rule applies - when a bat is found in the same room with a pet where there may have been close contact.
Please read more about bats and rabies, HERE.