Services we offer:
- Domestic waterfowl capture and transport
- Dog hazing and humane harassment
- Egg addling or removal
- Humane repellents and deterrents
Wild birds are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which prohibits the take (including disturbance, capture, destruction) of protected birds, active nests or eggs without authorization by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Canada geese are vegetarians, feeding on grasses and grains. They frequent fields and grassy meadows, and manicured greens.
Canada geese are monogamous and often mate for life, which can be over ten years. They also exhibit strong nest site fidelity, returning to the same location year after year.
In early spring, the goose will lay a clutch of eggs and incubate them while the gander keeps watch and defends the nest. After the goslings hatch, the parents may lead them to a group brooding area where goslings from multiple pairs group up in what's called a creche. They will be flighted within about two months, during which the adults will go through a molt.
In summer, adult geese shed their old feathers to grow new ones in preparation for fall migration. During this 4-5 week period, they are grounded and unable to fly. There should be no harassment of the geese during this time. That's why strategizing for goose control should be done months ahead of time.
Let us help you build a successful plan to reduce goose conflict on your property.
If you find an adult mallard and duckings in your pool, first, provide a way for the duckings to get out. Maybe a doormat draped over the edge in a corner, hanging part way in the water.
If you do not want the duck and her brood in your yard - and assuming they are in a fenced in backyard, gently herd the ducklings to the front yard and block their way back - maybe with cardboard or chicken wire.
There's not much else one can do at that point. It's best to prevent the hen from nesting in the first place.
Please see the USFWS brochure on Ducks In The Pool for guidance.